The Bocksten Bog Man, The Under Hose
- Top/Heel Length: 60 cm (23.6")
- Width at the Top: 47 cm (18.5")
- Width at the Bottom: 29 cm (11.4")
- Foot Length: n/a
- Weaving Technique: 2/1
- Thread Count: 10x7 threads/cm (25.4x19.05 threads per inch)
Some Sources:
- Nockert, Margareta. Bockstenmannen, Och Hans Dräkt. Halmstad och Varberg:
Stiftelsen Hallands länsmuseer, 1985.
Go to Hose Page; Bocksten Bog Site Page
Some Clothes of the Middle Ages -- The Bocksten Bog Man -- The Under Hose, by I.
Marc Carlson, Copyright 1996
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