1-low fair J7rsula came before her father with Cri spine her husband, who was ioyfully receiued by him, and in the end had his good will to confirme the marriage betwixt them, whereupon there was great ioy on both sides. And the Shoomakers in honour of this happy day, made a ioyfull Song.

WIthin a certain space after, word was brought to the Emperour, that his daughter was with a shoomaker come to the Court; whereat Maxirninus was stricken into a sudden ioy, mc saying: An honourable Shoomaker may he be that bath brought my fair daughter again, Welcome my sweet Vrsula, and in good time welcome to thy father; and welcome also is this happy young man, that bath so fortunately brought thee, and turning to Crispianus, he said: Noble Sir Knight, take here my daughter to wife;

Not so, dear Father (quoth she) this man bath best deserued my loue, that bath preserued my life, and his wife will I be.

Why Vrsula (said her Father) wilt thou darken the sun-shine of my ioy, with the clouds of foule obstinacy, and yoke thy selfe

so vnequally? This man is a Prince. 20 And this mans son is another (quoth she).

That is strange (said the Emperour); can that child be a Prince, whose father is but a Shoomaker?

Then answeared Vrsula, My Royall Father, a Shoomakers son is a Prince born:

Most gracious Lord (quoth Crispianzis) the very like sentence did I hear the renowned Zphicrates pronounce to the King of Gauls, when he vpbraided him with his birth:

With that Crispines Dame presented the child to the Emperour,

and fair Vrsula was very deligent to vncouer the ehilds face, and 30 held it to her Father.

Why daughter (quoth he) art thou not a shamed to honour a base born brat so much? Hence with the Elfe, and therewithall pusht it from him; whereat his daughters tears trickled down her cheeks, and so kissing the child, gaue it again to the woman.

What (said Maximinus) dost thou loue the child so well, that thou must kisse it, and weep for it?

Ihaue cause deare Father (quoth she) for that this childs mother lay in my mothers belly.

At these words the Emperor suspected something, and demanded 40 of Crispine of what parentage he was. And then knowing that

he was Crispianus brother, all the controuersie was ended, and their secret marriage confirmed openly, with great ioy and triumph; at which time the Shooniakers in the same town made

ro8 The pleasant History

Holiday: to whom Crispine and Crispianus sent most Princely gifts for to maintain their merriment. And euer after vpon that day at night, the Shoomakers make great cheare and feasting, in remembrance of these two Princely brethren: and because it might not be forgotten, they caused their names to be placed in the Kalender for a yeerly remembrance, which you shall find in the moneth of October, about three dayes before the feast of Simon and Jude.

The Shoomakers song on (rispianus night.

T Wa Princely brethren once there were,

right Sonnes vnto a King.

Whose father tyrant Maxmmmus

to cruell death did bring:

Crispianus, one was ca/Pd,

the eldest of the two;

Crispine was the others name,

which well had learned to ivooe.

These brethren then were after fain,

from fathers house to flue:

Because their foes, to spoil their hues

in priuy wait did lie,

Into a kind shoomakers house,

they suddenly stept in ;

And there to learn the Gentle Craft,

did presently begin.

And flue yeers space they hued so,

with great content of mind,~

So that the Tyrant could not tel4

whereas he shoud them find:

Though euery day to Gourt they came,

with shooes for Ladies feet,~

They were not known by their attire,

they vs’d themselues so meet.

At length vnto the furious wars

was Crispianus prest:

Whereas his knightly pro7vesse then

he tryed aboue the rest.

But Crispine found him better sport— would I had Crispine been:

The Kings fair daughter Lou’d him well,

as it was after seen.

The length of this fair Ladies foot,

so well did Crispine know,

That none but he could please her mind,

the certain truth is so.

25. presently 2625 L,c. present 648

of the Gentle Craft. 109

Came he by uzig/ut or else by da~i’, he was most we/come still;

With kisses sweet she did him pay, and thanks for his good will.

So oft these Louers twain did meet, by day and eke by night:

That at the last the Lady said, she should be shamed quite

IVhat was the matter, tell me true, that so her sorrow bred?

Her Shoomaker most daintily had got her maidenhead.

But he at length so wisely wrought, as doth the Story tell:

Her fathers rz~ht good will he got, and euerything was well.

And Crispianus came again from x’arres victoriously:

Then Shoomakers made Holiday.~ and therefore so will I

And now, for Crispianus sake, this wine I drink to thee,

And he that daM this mark mistake, and will not now p/edge me:

He is not Crispianus friend, not worthm’ ze’ell I wot,

To haue a Lady to his Loue, as Crispine lie ~‘iath got.