How Master Alderman Eyer was chosen Lord Major of London, and how he feasted all the prentises on Shroue tuesday.

WIthin a few yeers after, Alderman Eyer being chosen Lord Maior of London, changing his copy, he became one of the worshipfull Company of Drapers, and for this yeer he kept a most bountifull house. At this time it came into his mind what a promise once he made to the Prentises, being at breakfast with 40 them at their going to the Conduit, speaking to his Lady in this

wise: Good Lord (quoth he) what a change haue we had within these thirty yeers? And how greatly hath the Lord blessed vs since that? blessed be his Name for it.

811845 M



The pleasant History

of the Gentle C~raJi.

Ido remember, when I was a young Prentise what a match I made vpon a Shroue tuesday morning, being at the Conduit, among other of my companions; trust me wife (quoth he) tis worth the hearing, and lie tell thee how it fell out.

After we had filled our Tankards with water, there was some would needs haue me set down my Tankard, and go with them to breakfast (as many times before I had done) to which I con­sented: and it was a breakfast of Pudding-pies. I shall neuer for­get it. But to make short, when the shot came to be paid, each one

io drew out his money but I had not one peny in my purse, and credit I had none in the place; which when I beheld, being abashed, I said; Well my Masters, do you giue me my breakfast this time; and in requitall thereof, if euer I be Maior of London, lie bestow a breakfast oneall the Prentises of the City: these were the words, little thinking, (God wot) that euer it should come to passe: but such was the great goodnesse of our God, who setteth vp the humble, and pull. eth down the proud, to bring whom he pleaseth to the seat of Honour. For as the scripture witnesseth, Promotion cometh neither from the East nor from the ~Vest, but from him that is the giuer of all good things, the mighty Lord of heauen and earth. Wherefore wife, see­ing God hath bestowed that vpon me that I neuer looked for; it is reason that I should perform my promise: and being able now, lie pay that which then I was not able to do: for I would not haue men say that I am like the Ebon-tree, that neither beares leafes nor fruit. Wherefore wife, seeing that Shroue tuseday is so neer at hand, I will vpon that day fulfill my promise, which vpon that day I made.

Truly (my Lord) (quoth she) I will be right willing thereunto.

Then answered my Lord, as thou dost loue me, let them want

30 neither Pudding-pies nor Pancakes, and look what other good chear is to be had, I will referre all to your discretion.

Hereupon great prouision was made for the Prentises breakfast and Shroue tuesday being come, the Lord Maior send word to the Aldermen, that in their seuerall Wards they should signifie his mind to the Citizens, to craue their fauours that their Prentises might come to his house to breakfast, and that for his sake they might play all the day after. Hereupon it was ordered that at the ringing of a Bell in euery Parish, the Prentises should leaue work and shut vp their shops for that day, which being euer since

40 yeerly obserued, it is called the Pancake Bell.

The Prentises being all assembled, my Lord Maiors house was not able to hold them, they were such a multitude, so that besides the great Hall, all the Gardens were set with Tables, and in the backside Tables were set, and euery other spare place was also furnish’d: so that at length they were al placed and while meat was bringing in, to delight their eares, as well as to feed their bodies, and to drown the noise of their pratlings, Drums and Trumpets were pleasantly sounded: that being ended, the waits

of the City, with diuers other sorts of I\’Iusick played also to beguile the time, and to put off all discontent.

After the first seruice, were all the Tables plentifully furnished with Pudding-pies and Pancakes, in very plentifull manner; and the rest that remained was giuen to the poore. ~Vine and Ale in very great measure they had giuen, insomuch that they had no lack, nor excesse to cause them to be disordered. And in the midst of this their merriment, the Lord Maior, in his Scarlet gown, and his Lady in like manner went in amongst them; bidding

them all most heartily welcome, saying vnto them, thathis promise to so long ago made, he hath at length performed. At what time

they (in token of thankfulnesse) flung vp their Caps, giuing a great shout, and incontinently they all quietly departed.

Then after this, Sir Simon Eyer builded Leaden-JJal4 appointing that in the midst thereof, there should be a Market place kept euery Munday for Leather, where the Shoomakers of London, for their more ease, might buy of the Tanners without seeking any further.

And in the end, this worthy man ended his life in London with great Honour.

.d new /oue Sonnet.


All hayle sweet youth, fair Venis graft, Cheife Master of the Gentle Craft,

How comely seemes thou in my sight, Like Phebus in the heauens bright,

‘Fhat neuer was in Cu15ids pound, Or from his shaft receiud a wound;

For by thy mirth it doth appeare Thy minde is free from griefe and care.


Faire Maid, you speak no more but truth, For why the freedome of my youth,

I value at too high a rate,

To linke myselfe with any mate; There is no comfort on the earth,

Compared to a freeborne mirth,

When fairest beauties me orethwart, I look the better to my heart.

When beauteous Nymphs do me surprize, I shut the Casements of mine eyes,

For he is a fond and foolish Elfe, That loues a maid losing himselfe,

To fall in loue is such a thing,

From whence sometimes doth mischiefe spring, I wish well vnto women-kind,

But for to wed I haue no minde.

































The pleasant History


What if your Casements chance to ope, And giue affection so much scope,

As to encounter with a Dame,

Why then methinks it were a shame, For you to loue and not to speake,

And by degrees the Ice to break:

But if you speak and so obtaine,

Then haue you found your heart againe.

10 It were a shame for Maids to woe,
But men may speak and so may you,
If that occasion offerd be,
God Cupids blind and cannot see,
But shoots at randome here and there,
0 therefore Edmond, haue a care,
At vnawares you may be hit,
No pollicy can hinder it.

But 0 vnhappy women kinde,

That toxicated are in minde,

And know not how to vent the same, Without the losse of our good name,

They count vs bold if now and than, We do but look vpon a man,

And look we may, but dare not speak, Much lesse our mindes vnto them break


~Vould I were worthy for to know

The cause of this your griefe and wo,
For why, your words and looks declare,
30 Your minde is ouercharg’d with care,
If that your heart be fled away,
And it be taken for a Stray,
The man that hath it lie perswade
To take some pity on a Maid.

This young man struck this faire maid mute, She wanted one to pleade her Sute,

Fame would she speak, but was afraid, This is the case of many a Maid,

He was the man whom she loud best,

40 Her heart did lodge within his breast, Although to him it was vnknown

Vntill at last he lost his owne.

38. ~ase 1675 tIc. cause 1648

of the Gentle Craft.

Ca~pid the god of loue came downe, And on this young Man cast a frown,

He bent his bowe and sent a dart, That struck the young Man to the heart,

And, cause the Maid should win the prize, He opened the Shoomakers eyes,

So when her beauty he beheld, He gladly yeelded vp the field.

With folded Armes along he walkt, And thus vnto himselfe he talkt,

0 what are we that vainly trust In our weak strengths that are but dust;

I durst haue sworne no liuing wight, Could moue me from my sweet delight,

But now I see and feele the smart, Mine eyes too soon deceiue my heart.

He that before was grown so stout, And strong enough to keep loue out,

Is vanquisht now and made to yeeld, And did both win and lose the field;

He conquerd her to him vnknown, She conquerd him, made him her own

Thus Maids with men are dallying still, Till they haue brought them to their will.

Alas (quoth he) how am I crost, Beholding her, my selfe Iue lost;

Now beauty is become a snare, The which bath brought me to dispaire;

If she no other man had loud,

Imight haue hope she might be moud; But she another doth affect,

And I must dye without respect. She noting of his passion then,

As Maids will do that loue young Men; And finding the occasion fit,

Mark here a wily wenches wit; Delayes proue dangerous she knew,

And many Maids haue found it true:

Thus in her selfe rcsolud to speak, Shee vnto him her mind did break.

(Quoth she) young man, it is your lot, The god of loue bath laid a plot,

The net was spread, the bird is caught, And I haue found the thing I sought:

Though Men are strong and Women weak, Stout hearts will yeeld before theyl break

And Women sometimes win the field When men are willing for to yeeld.



















136 The Gentle Craft.

With that the Nimphs and Rurall Swaines,

Come straightway tripping ore the plaines.

The Satyres made them Pipes of Reeds,

And brought in Musick more then needs;

The Syrens sung such songs of mirth,

That brought King Oberon from the earth;

‘Fhe Fairies with their Fairy king,

Did dance about them in a ring:


All health and happinesse betide,

‘Fhe Shoornaker and his sweet bride,

Lo thus we sing and thus we dance,

Till we haue brought ioue in a trance,

‘l’hus pleasures sweet this couple grace,

Both linckt together in sweet imbrace,

‘Fhe neighboring bus and dailes resound,

With Eccho of our pleasant sound.

Whilst thus they sung their Roundelayes,

God C’upid crownd their heads with bayes,

The bride lookt like the Queen of Ma),

The Shoomaker led her away,

Where now they hue in quiet peace,

And loue doth more and more increase,

‘fhus loue you see, can finde a way,

To make both Men and Maids obey.

How a Shoomakers widdow fell in loue with her man.

‘l’hese three years John I haue been deep in loue,

And nere till now had time my mind to moue.

Speak, Canst thou loue me though I am thy Dame?

30 1 would not haue thee daunted, Fie, for shame.

Old prouerb, spare to speak and spare to speed,

Thou wantst a wife and I a husband need.

His A nswer.

Mistris 1 am in loue as ~vell, tis true,

But to speak truth, in truth I loue not you,

Ihaue a Maid in Chase, as sweet a Lasse,

In my conceit I think, as euer was

Pray then, forbeare, it neuer shall be said

I took a widdow and forsook a Maid.

40 Reader obserue whats written by the Poet,

~Vomen and Maids loue men, hut few will shew it.

F I N I S.

14. 167; i6~8 o,,i its this line.