To the Master and Wardens of the
worshipfull company of the Cordwaynors
in London, all continuance of health
and per­
fect brotherly affection.

Once more hath good will emboldened me, to present vnto your Worships my worthies labour, to manifest the good affection I beare to this fraternity: and finding, you lent a gentle looke on the first part of this History, I haue beene the more bolde to proffer you the second: for hauing bound my selfe by promise to performe it: and you perhaps clayming promise as a debt, expecting payment, I bent all my study to keepe touch: whereupon I tender this small trifle vnto you, onely crauing at your worships hands, a good opinion of my poore endeuours. And albeit this pamphlet doth not minister matter worthy your graue view: yet in regard of the subject, I trust you will deigne to esteeme it, sith so well as I could, though not so well as I would, I haue sought herein to procure your delight: and although you finde not all the men spoken of, which is promised in the first part, yet thinke it no faintnes in me, but fault of good instruction: and againe, for as much as these men here mentioned were all of this Citie (whose story grew longer then I supposed) and the other of the country: I thought good so to breake off, and to defer their story to another time, when I may more perfectly speake thereof.  In the meane space I commend your Worships to the protection of the most highest.

Your Worships in all he may.


To the Courteous Readers


Gentle Reader, you that vouchsafe to cast curteous lookes into this rude Pamphlet, expect not herein to find any matter of light value, curiously pen’d with pickt words, or choise phrases, but a quaint and plaine discourse best fitting matters of merriment, seeing wee haue herein no cause to talke of Courtiers or Scholers. Notwithstanding, if you find your selfe Quer charged with melan­choly, you may perhaps haue here a fit medicine to purge that humour, by conferring in this place with Doctor Burket: or if you meet with round Robin, he may chance ryme it away. I tell you among Shoomakers is some solace, as you shall see by Torn Drums entertainment, and other mad merry prankes playd by the Greene-King of S. Martins. If that will not suffice, you may, in meeting with Anthony now now, haue such a fit of mirth, with his firking Fiddle, that it shall be a great cause to expell choler. And so I leaue you to your owne liking, whether you will enter to see this sport or no: stand backe, I pray, roome for a Gentleman, for you cannot come in vnder a groat.