How Crispianus was prest to the wars, and how he fought with Iphicratis the renowned Generall of the Persian;, who made warre vpon the Frenchmen:

shewing also the occasion that a Shoomakers son is said to be a Prince born.

IN the mean time that Grispine was secretly busied about his marriage, his brother Crispianus, the same night, with many others, was prest to wars into the Countrey of Gau4 now

called France, which made his Master and Dame full of woe; who xo had committed to his gouernment the whole rule of his house.

And when Crispine came home, they told him what chance had hapned. And demanded where he had been; they said they were glad he had so well escaped.

Crispine excusing himsehfe so well as he could, said he was sornie for his brothers sudden departure; notwithstanding, the ioy of his late marriage mitigated much of his sorrow: to whom, in his brothers absence, his Master gaue the ouersight of his houshohd, which place he guided with such discretion, as thereby he got both the good will of his Master, and the loue of the houshould; 20 And as he sate one day at his work, he sung this song in commenda­tion of marriage; himselfe sung the Ditty, and his fellows bore the burthen.

Among the ioyes on earth, though little joy there be, hey down down adown, fine is the silken twist,

Among the married sort muck comfort I do see:

hey down down adown, beleeue it they that list. lie that is a married man hatk beautie to embrace,

hey down down adown, and therefore mickle wo:

He liueth in delight, and is in happie case, hey down down adown, in faith we think not so.

His wife doth dresse his meat with euerything most meet, hey down down adown, fair women loue good chear:

And when he comes to bed, she glues kim kisses sweet, hey down down adown, for thanks he pays full dear

A hundred honey sweets, he hath when that is done, hey down down adown, the truth is se/dome known.

He hath in a little time a daughter or a son, hey down down adown, God grant they be his own.

A wife is euermore, both faithfull true, and just, hey down down adown, ‘tis more than you do know:















2!. commendation 167; &c.: communication :648
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The pleasant History

Her husband may be sure in her to put his trust,

hey down down adown, most are deceiued so.

While he doth ride abroad, she looks vnto his house,

hey down down adown, the finest cloth is torn:

And when he comes, she giues him brawn and sowse,

hey down down adozvn, and oftentimes the horn.

How now, what is that you say (quoth Cricpine)?

Nothing (quoth they) but onely beare the burthen of your Song. And surely we think it great pity that you are not married, seeing

io you can sing so well in the praise of marriage.

Truly (quoth he) were it not for that holy Institution, what would the world be but a brood of haplesse bastards; like to the cursed seed of Cain, men fit for all manner of villany, and such as would leaue behind them a race of runnagates, persons that would hue as badly as they are lewdly begotten.

The rest of the Iourney-men hearing him enter into such a deep discourse of the matter, began therefore to demand many questions:

but seeing it appertaines not to our matter, weele leaue them to their disputation: and in the mean space I will shew you some-

20 thing of Crispianus, who is now in France, with many other noble Brittains, whom Maximinus sent thither to aid the Gauls against the mightie force of Iphicratis the Persian generall, who had at this time inuaded their Countrey with a great power.

The day of battel being appointed, the Armies met in the field, at what time both the Generals like two Lyons filled with wrath in their proud march viewed one another, breathing forth on both sides words of disdain, and thus the Generahl of the Gauls began.

Thou insulting t,ommander of the Easterne troups, how durst thou set thy ambitious foot within our territories? Cannot the

30 confines of Persia content thee, nor those conquered Kingdomes alreadie in thy hand, but that with vnsatiable desire thou must come to vsurp our right? Know thou, that the vndaunted Gauls do scorn thee: for albeit that Alexander like, thou seekest to subdue the whole world, flattering thy selfe in thy fortunes, yet neuer think that the son of a shoomaker shall bend our neck to a seruile yoke. Therefore in our iust right we are come to giue thee hire for thy pride, and by the force of our swords to. beat down the Scepter of thy proud thoughts.

The renowned Iphicratis vpon these words made this rephie:

40 Now may I report that the Gauls can do something, finding them such good scoulds: But know this that I come not to raile, but to reuenge those contemptuous speeches, and with the points of sturdie Launces, to thrust them down your throats again. Indeed, my fathers trade is a reproach vnto me, but thou art a reproach to thy father: but thou shalt vnderstand that a Shoomakers son is a Prince born, his fortune made him so, and thou shalt finde no lesse.

oJ the Gentle Craft.


And hereupon, the trumpets sounding to a charge, and the drums striking a alarum, there followed a sore and cruell fight:

wherein Crispianus like a second Rector laid about him, hewing down his foes on euery side. Whose valiancy and Princely courage was noted of all the Gauls.

And this fierce fight ended with the nights approach, each Army tooke their rest. At what time the noble Generall of the Gauhs sent for Crispianus, and receiuing him with sundrie kind imbrace­ments in his tent, he demanded of what birth he was.

To whom Crispianus shaped his answer: Most worthie Generall, my birth is not meane, and by secrets lesse, but by trade I am a Shoomaker in England.

AShoomaker (said the Generall!) If such fame wait vpon Shoomakers, and such magnanimity follow them, well were it for vs if all the people in the Kingdome were Shoomakers. And as great thanks I am to giue .ltfaximinus for sending me such a Souldier, as he may be proud to haue such a subiect: and now right sorrie am I that euer I reproached famous Iphicratis, with his fathers trade, seeing I find it true, that Magnanimity and knightly Prowesse is not alwayes tied within the cornpasse of 20 Noble blood. And for my own part, I will so honourably requite

thy deseruings, that thou shalt blesse the time thou euer camest into these wars.

The next morning the Generals ioyned battell again, resoluing in this fight either by death or victory, to make an end of these troubles, where the Souldiers on each side stroue for the golden wreath of renown. The two Generals meeting in the battell, fought couragiously together; in which bloody conflect the Prince of the Gauls was thrice by Jphicratis, vnhorsed, and as many

times of Crispianus mounted again: but in the end the great 30 Commander of the Eastern Armie so mightily preualed, that he

had seized on the person of the French Prince, and was carrying him captiue to his Colours.

But so highly was Crii-pianus fauoured of Fortune, that he and his fellows met him in the pride of his conquest: who then all besmeared in the Persian blood, set vpon Iphicratis, and so manly behaued himselfe, that he recouered the Prince again, and in de­spight of the Persians, brought him to his royall Tent; in which en­counter the noble Iphicratis was sore wounded, by reason whereof the Souldiers had rest for three or foure dayes: in which space 40 Iphicratis sent to the Prince of Gauls, to know what kin he was

that in such a valiant sort rescued him out of his hands; saying, that if he would serue him, he would make him Ruler ouer a mightie Kingdome.

The French Prince sent him word, that it was a right hardie Brittaine, which had performed that honourable seruice: but no knight, though well deseruing greater dignity, but a Shoomaker in

33. him :6y; (‘c.: z6~8 omits

The pleasant History


England: and thus (quoth he) a Shoomakers son was by a Shoo­maker foiled.

When Zpkicratis vnderstood this, he sent word again to the Gauls that for the fauour of that worthy man, he would not only cease the wars, but foreuer after be a friend to the Gauls: which ioyfuhl message when the French King vnderstood, most willingly he imbraced the vnlooked for tydings of happie peace: and there­upon made Crispianus a knight.

After the which there was a great feast ordained, whereunto 10 the renowned Iphicratis was inuited, and the two generals, with

Crispianus, friendly met together. Thus the sowre war was ended with sweet feasting: and Zphicratis soon after departed out of the Countery with his Army, and neuer after annoyed them.

Then the French King, writing his Letter of thanks vnto the Emperour Maximinus, did therein certifie him of the Princely acts of Crispianus, whereby he was brought into the emperours fauour; and with these letters Crispianus returned into England.