British Library, MS Harl. 1002. f.113.r  (Before the 15th century)  Extracted from Wright, Thomas.  A Volume of Vocabularies.   (Modern English translation is mine)

Est alutarius [cordedenare], sutor [sowter ] quoque, pictacium [clowte of a schoo] sit;
Pictaciarius [clowter or cobeler ], incrustator [tynker ], corria [lether], seta [brystylle].
Formipedia [lest], licinia (thread), impedia [over-lether] sit.
Sunt ansoria [
baryng-sexe (trenket)], solie [sole], sibula [nalle (awl)], cordibanumque [corduane].
Attramentorium [blacche-pot ], sunt attromenta [blacche], sed atrum [blacke].
Incrustas [clowtyst] allutam [corduane ], dic et quitibiale [lest of a boote (Estivaux)].