
While it may seem strange to include Egypt in a site intended for northern European clothing, due to the nature of linen, and the ease with which it rots, it is sometimes useful to look elsewhere for examples. Because of the relatively dry climate of the desert, linen is far more likely to last. It is presumed by some, whether rightly or not, that the late Roman era tunics and dalmatics are similar in both the southeastern Empire, and the northwestern.

Akhmin is the modern name of the ancient city of Ipu, called in Greek, Khemmis Panopolis, situated on the Upper Nile, though north of the Valley of the Kings.  It is just opposite of the modern city of Sohag.  It has been continuously occupied since the Early Dynastic Period.  The Pharoah Ay (c1373-1319 BCE) was born here.   A linen weaving industry was described here by Strabo (b.c.63 BCE).  The poet Nonnus (fl. 5th century) was born here.  The city has been chiefly known for its ancient papyri and tapestries.  There have also been extensive grave finds excavated from the two mile long hill of Akhmin.

Antinoë, also called Esneh or Esench, and Antinopolis (modern el-Sheikh Ibâda, opposite el-Ashmûnein), was built in 132 CE by the Roman emperor Hadirian, in memory of his favorite,  Antinous.  Its cemetaries have provided numerous interesting artifacts, such as the nearly complete tunic found in the grave of Aurelius Colluthus.

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Some Clothes of the Middle Ages -- Egypt -- The Background, by I. Marc Carlson, Copyright 1999 This code is given for the free exchange of information, provided the Author's Name is included in all future revisions, and no money change hands-